Sad News

I bring you all sad news….even though the lockout was overturned but due to holiday and hurricane delays, I had already more allegations from the landlord to keep Hebrews out. A hard decision was made to leave the location when constables finally got me in this weekend. It was apparent that we could no longer be in a hostile situation and deal with lawyer fees to keep playing games. I have fought all that I could and if I didn't have lawyers involved2 months ago to keep us from being pushed out and bullied, someone would have stolen Hebrews, including the name / belongings / employees so it was all worth it! It has been more than a trying year and I am confident that our Lord is rescuing us from such a darkness that sits on this property even though Gods presence was with us! It is tough to leave thinking of all our amazing community who enjoyed Hebrews everyday but I will walk away with that and I will be praying for a relocation and rebirth! Thank you all who supported us and prayed for over us over the years, we will keep putting any updates as we move forward!